What Healthy Couples Know That You Don'tRelationships

What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't

What Healthy Couples Know That You Don't

Unlocking Emotional Intelligence: Improving You & Your Relationships

Mon, 09 Sep 2024

 Understanding our own emotions is a whole lot of work, much less understanding someone else’s.  Understanding our own emotions is a whole lot of work, much less understanding someone else’s. The process of successful communication and negotiation are closely linked to high levels of EQ. The good news is you can improve your emotional intelligence.

Navigating Relationships: Understanding Expectations and Projections

Tue, 20 Aug 2024

Listen to understand projections & expectations which impact all of our relationships. We all have selfish expectations that cloud our perceptions. If we lack self-awareness then there is even more at stake. We all project aspects of ourselves onto other people, especially the parts of ourselves we don’t take ownership of…which easily contaminates relationships.


Thriving Together: Relationship Fun Essentials

Wed, 31 Jul 2024

Fun is something that is all too often missing in relationships.Over several decades when I've asked couples, what do you want to do for fun as a couple, not as a family? The response is often blank looks or a downcast glance at feet. It was Plato who said, you can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.

Attachment Anxiety: Tackling Insecurities for Healthy Relationships

Wed, 10 Jul 2024

Attachment anxiety. Tackling insecurities for healthy relationships. Insecurities can rob us as individuals and in relationships. Insecurities feed everything from a shopping addiction so you look good on the outside or a secret life of porn because real people are confusing and too messy. Fighting our insecurities is a battle all of us share.


Wed, 19 Jun 2024

Learn how to be more forgiving in love. Whether you are discouraged about dating or questioning whether your relationship is good enough, we've got some great answers in our interview today. Love sets up a lot of expectations beginning with our own fantasies of what love is supposed to be. When the truth is real love is deciding to do the work of being a better person because you love somebody else.

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